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The term ‘detailing’, which comes from ‘details’, is a ‘form of art’ aimed at restyling cars. Today, it has become an increasingly popular and exclusive procedure among car enthusiasts. Indeed, attention to detail makes all the difference!
Car detailing originated about 50 years ago in the US with the increase in the use of chrome finishes and flamboyant bodywork, and it then became a real form of art: a passion that arose in a time when brand new, immaculate cars were associated with high social status, as well as great fun. Born among the ‘car playboys’ and later developed into a skilful technique, car detailing continued to evolve and eventually arrived in Europe as an authentic car body repair process, appreciated especially by vintage car owners.
The Italian passion for cars and the ongoing pursuit of perfection have allowed this form of art to develop considerably also in Italy, where detailing has become a way of having a unique car in very good condition at all times, since cars take us to work every day and on holiday every summer, and they certainly say something about us too.
But who works in this field? ‘Detailers’ are experts that can also be defined as ‘car care tailors’: these people have invested in years of training, specialising in the latest detailing techniques and in the composition and characteristics of the various products available on the market.
In no way should detailing be confused with classic polishing, which involves the entire surface of the car without paying too much attention to the many minor – and often imperceptible – imperfections. The detailing process consists of 5 stages:

  • Washing
  • Decontamination
  • Polishing
  • Protection
  • Maintenance.

In the next article, we will take a closer look at these stages and we will find out why detailing products are very expensive.